The Survey Visualisation enables you to quickly see what your group is confident about

and what they're interested to learn. Also, the Survey Visualisation forms part of the full Event Report after your participants share their feedback at the end of the learning interaction.


You will be able to see your survey saved on the Survey List


Operations on the Survey List


First icon (link) when hovering on Action button, it shows the survey link that will be shared to the participants


The survey form will be filled by the participants

They have to fill in all "REQUIRED" questions


The questions that ask the participants to rank, they must select only one response per column (Q4, Q5, Q6 on Pre-built from survey)


The participants must allow us to collect and use their data to engage in the Active Peers AI process to submit the survey

If they don't allow, the Submit button will not appear. To see details of the Active Peers AI work process, please click here.


To see the visualised analysis of the survey responses, go to Survey on the menu and click Visualisation of a certain survey


Use the slicers to get deeper insight from the survey responses

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