Your Peer Learning Prompter!

This tool can be used to help guide and structure your conversations during this task

How It Works


Step 1: Use the Peer Learning Prompter to navigate your conversations

Step 2: Fill out the Review Form to reflect on your learning after the conversation


Step 3: Critically analyse the entire experience from the survey right up to the review.

Step 1: Peer Learning Prompter

Learning Reflections

Step 2

Use this form to further cement your learnings from today and take the time out to really think through all the information you have received from your peers as well as the quality of the information you imparted on them. 

Step 3

After reflecting on your own learnings we want you to look at this task as a whole and critically analyse it. Give your suggestions on what could be changed or tweaked or any elements of the task that you particularly enjoyed. We really value your feedback and it plays an instrumental role in the continued growth and improvement of the peer matching task!

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