Using either the Active Peers AI survey data or external data, you can set up the parameters for how you want to run the matching. It is a very simple one-click process and you can tailor it.
Table Capacity : The number of participants in a group
Table Type
The participants had to rank the skills/knowledge that they are most and least confident/familiar with. These parameters are the main parameters to find the most suitable partner for them to talk to regarding certain skills/knowledge that they'd like to share and learn.
If Algorithm Pairing: The participants are matched up in two rounds. One time they are the sharers and share their skill/knowledge to Seekers. The other time, they are the seekers and they get to listen and learn from the sharers.
If you click the green "Show Scores" button, it shows the scores of each match. Each sharer and seeker has chosen a certain skill/knowledge as their 1st to share or learn, and the sum becomes 2, which is the best score for a match. If you are not happy with the score, you can manually change the match or skill by drag and drop.
You can edit the email on the template before sending. Also, there are various variables that you can add within the email including the Peer Learning Prompter and feedback links. The participants will receive the email with all the information regarding the meeting location (table or virtual meeting link), their partners for two peer learning rounds as sharer and seeker, and additionally the prompter and feedback links.
You can also use an external CSV file for AI Matching.
2. You will be directed to the AI Matching page. Click "Yes, continue please!"
3. Click Choose file and Upload. The file must be in a certain format. Please download and check the CSV format guidance.
4. Follow the same steps as above.